Current 93 - I Am the Last of All the Field That Fell (A Channel)

I Am the Last of All the Field That Fell (A Channel)

Current 93

Formats Tracks Price Buy
CD Album 11 tracks £10.00
Download Album () 11 tracks £7.99
Download Album (MP3) 11 tracks £7.99


Current 93 - I Am the Last of All the Field That Fell (A Channel)

Each CD has been individually signed by David Tibet


  1. The Invisible Church
  2. Those Flowers Grew
  3. Kings and Things
  4. With the Dromedaries
  5. The Heart Full of Eyes
  6. Mourned Winter Then
  7. And Onto PickNickMagick
  8. Why Did the Fox Bark?
  9. I Remember the Berlin Boys
  10. Spring Sand Dreamt Larks
  11. I Could Not Shift the Shadow
  1. The Invisible Church
  2. Those Flowers Grew
  3. Kings and Things
  4. With the Dromedaries
  5. The Heart Full of Eyes
  6. Mourned Winter Then
  7. And Onto PickNickMagick
  8. Why Did the Fox Bark?
  9. I Remember the Berlin Boys
  10. Spring Sand Dreamt Larks
  11. I Could Not Shift the Shadow